


(on eagle’s wings, Isaiah 40)

Here it is, my new release!It’s About Time is now available at thewildrosepress.com.  Published under the English Tea Rose line, this novella takes a contemporary, independent Californian and drops her into the Cotswolds of 19th-century England.Read more…

Book coverA summer in England was meant to help Meg Sutherland grieve her father’s early passing. The last thing she expects is to be thrown back in time to an era where her everyday knowledge of health and medicine may save two lives threatened by old-fashioned ignorance. How can she convince handsome Mr. Ellingsworth that her meddling will save his children’s lives when her twenty-first century confidence only increases his resistance? Aided by three spinsters and a cat, Meg weighs her choices between a lonely, independent life of modern freedoms and the possibility for love.

* * * Welcome to my website.  If you love chocolate, writing, Jane Austen, historical fiction, or you know a little Latin, we have something in common.  Check out my favorite books, chocolate recipes, and historical tidbits.

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Photo courtesy of UFFDAH, Inc.

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